When stress piles up the pressure builds, like a balloon. But we have the ultimate balloon artist to make something beautiful out of our difficulties.
Chicken Bundles For A Quick And Easy Family Meal
This greatest family hits recipe was from a recipe box my sister in law gave me as a wedding gift. Twenty-two years and this recipe is still going strong. (And the marriage is, too! Happy Anniversary, Steve!)
When Forgiveness Hurts
Forgiveness doesn’t always come easy. Sometimes anger feels like it’s helping and we don’t know if we’ll be able to pay the cost of forgiving our neighbor.
The Stress Balloon, Part 2: A Balloon Bouquet
When difficulties hit we may be tempted to hunker down. To hole up and wait for the sadness to pass. But a balloon bouquet is so much more beautiful than a single desperate balloon trying to go it alone. Stress needs community.
Telluride Soup: The Best Way To Eat Your Veggies, And Get Your Kids To Eat Them, Too!
Telluride Soup is a creamy, comforting soup made from onions, cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots steamed together with dill and pureed. Even the kids will love it!