I am so glad you’ve come to visit this page and learn more about me! I know blogs are typically one-way communication, but I hope that through the wonders of the internet we can become real friends!
I am coffee-sipping, chocolate munching, dog-loving, lipstick-wearing, forever-young woman who loves Jesus and loves to bring others closer to him. I hope that through this website you will get to know the Jesus that I know. Maybe he’ll even surprise you!
I am the wife of an awesome guy named Steve, and together we have three boys, two of whom are teenagers. Because I’m surrounded by boys ALL the time – even our dog is a boy – I have embraced my girliness. (Bright lipstick makes me feel like the sun is shining even on the cloudiest days.)
I love to read! I love easy, thoughtless books, classic literature, and deep, Christian philosophy. The sky’s the limit when you love to read! Occasionally I’ll share about the books I’m reading on this blog.
This blog is the culmination of the ministry I have been involved in for over 20 years. After 15 years on staff with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ), my husband joined the pastoral staff of our church, Village Seven Presbyterian Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I help lead the college ministry at our church, as well as serving on the women’s ministry leadership team. And one of my favorite things is to visit women’s ministry events as a speaker.
My greatest joy is seeing people learning to walk with God in growing intimacy and to engage with one another in community.
I’ll tell you all about what I’m learning. I don’t for a minute intend to give you the impression that I have it all figured out. I just hope I can process my thoughts, and we can learn about God together.
Thank you for being here!