Sometimes I take the Bible for granted. But today God awakened my thirst for Jesus with these beautiful truths about who he is from the rich opening chapter of John.
A Tip For Parenting Teens
Everyone says that the key to a good relationship, be it marriage or even parent-child, is communication.
But parenting teens can defy our best intentions. Communication? Great! But what if my teenager just doesn’t communicate?
The Weight Of God’s Glory In Our Multi-Faceted Lives
God, in his glory, is so weighty that he holds everything in orbit around him, not by effort, but by the very nature of his being. But we feed our sin and give it over to weightiness it doesn’t deserve. What area of your life are you allowing to become too weighty?
Finding Unity Through The Mighty Tornado of God’s Character
I’ve never seen the church body so divided. Could the answer for Christian unity be in a more comprehensive view of God’s character?
Our Easter Brunch Celebration
After the bitter comes the sweet. So on Friday we mourn. On Saturday we wait. And on Sunday we celebrate!
On Fridays I like to tell you about the good foods we’re eating, on what I call Candidly Kendra Eats. So today I’ll tell you about the good food we’ll be eating to celebrate Easter!