Click below to listen to this post about purpose on the Candidly Kendra podcast:
“Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is best.”
Luke 10:41
I took my worries to God and he blessed me abundantly! He gave me confidence in my calling and peace from the striving and showed me…
My Four-Fold Purpose
You see, I know that God has created me uniquely for his purposes and for his glory. I was striving and aching, desperate to nail down my Ultimate Purpose once and for all, so that I could go after that thing whole-heartedly.
But God led me to explore how he’s uniquely created me to pursue him. Then, pointing me in that direction, I feel like he said, “Just this, daughter. Just this. And the rest will come together in time.”
So, drumroll…here is MY PURPOSE:
- To walk with God faithfully
It’s safe to say this is a good purpose for all of us. - To delight in the world he’s given me
This comes naturally to me. I love flowers. I love interesting buildings. I love puppies. I love fall leaves. - To learn and grow and think deep thoughts
Another thing that comes naturally to me. I feel the most “myself” when I have freedom to think and study. - …And to share those thoughts with others.
Whether it’s writing or speaking, or talking over coffee. Whether it’s one person or five…or 5,000. God will decide the breadth of my message. I just want to be faithful to share it.

Why Didn’t I Talk To God Sooner?
I know that sometimes my prayer times feel dry. I know that often the answers aren’t waiting there to just be plucked out of the sky. So I hesitated. But God also called us to delight in him. And when I obeyed, the relief was immediate.
I’m so glad that God used my friend to remind me that the One Thing I needed was God Himself.
Bring It Home
Did you connect with God recently? What has he been teaching you?
Take a few minutes to pray about your own purpose. What do you think would be on your “uniquely-yours” purpose list?