Our pain will change us. But if we walk through the pain with our eyes on God we will find that spiritual fruit in our lives is the reward.
Overwhelmed, Stressed, and Forgetting To Talk To God About It
I was clamoring to find my purpose; drowning in worries and fears. And then my friend reminded me of one thing. …THE one thing.
Cracking Under Pressure… Your World, Your Church, And You
Our world is broken. And so is everyone in it. Are we so surprised, then, when it begins to crack under pressure? Is there any hope?
These Three Things Make You Stupid – But It Won’t Last Forever
Love, pain, and desire. These are the three things that will make you stupid. One is beautiful. Another is terrible. And the last one is worst of all.
My Monsters Are Big But My God is Bigger
The world feels like a dream, or maybe a movie, as first schools shut down, then large group gatherings, then the libraries and DMVs. Next restaurants close their doors, and permitted gatherings again shrink in size. Until finally we are ordered to “stay at home.” I can feel the stress seeping through social media. Worry […]