I never wanted to think about God’s holiness. It was difficult for me to square that quality with his compassion. But this week a look at Hosea 11 opened my eyes to how God’s holiness and compassion go together.
These Snacks Are Great For Your Book Club
Books and snacks. Basically, that’s what book club is about. When it was my turn to serve snacks for book club, these were a great choice!
Three Great Books To Read With Your Small Group
There is something special about reading a book along with a group of friends and realizing that you can dig so much deeper than you would have on your own.
The Stepping Stones of Your Spiritual Journey
Our spiritual journey is a wilderness hike over easy and difficult terrain, with periods of high energy and periods of desperate tiredness. But he is with us the whole way!
Whoops! I Burned My Food In The Pot …Now What?
When something starts to smell wrong in the kitchen, when the spoon sticks, and the pot is burned black, this is what you should do.