They say to make a list of blessings
at Thanksgiving-time
To pause and thank God for them,
…But I just don’t have time!
The pies are in the oven
The turkey is steaming hot
I can’t stop for a moment, you see,
The gravy’s in the pot.
I don’t have a second to spare
to record my gratitude
— impractical lists! A waste of time!
Silly platitudes!
My family is coming soon
To spend the day with me.
My friends keep texting “Happy Day!”
— terribly busy, you see!
My kids want to play that game
where you have to find the matches.
My dog keeps nudging me to snuggle-
He loves the belly scratches.
The blustery wind is blowing,
The furnace runs all day.
Friends and family bustle in
All smiles and laughter and play.
I can’t take a moment to stop and notice
as busy a day as this is
It’s time to serve the sparkling cider
before it loses its fizz.
Next year I’ll make a list
Next year I’ll do it …really!
But this year I just don’t have time
for anything so silly.
-by Kendra Kammer
Originally published Thanksgiving 2022
Thanks, Kendra!