Click below to listen to an audio version of this post: Yesterday my son said, “They need to make a movie about 2020.” I bet they will! And for once they won’t have to fabricate controversy or conflicts to make it more interesting. This year has been outrageous enough. Have you sat down and done […]
Your Child’s Story is Safe In God’s Hands
Click below to listen to an audio version of this post: I alternated between wringing my hands, making proactive plans, and desperate crying. My son was having a hard time and I was frantic to solve it. He was only ten years old. Surely a mother’s love could do no less! You see, I had […]
Why God Lets Us Go Through Trials
When the hardest things have come into my life I look for the reason. Even knowing that asking, “Why, God?” was cliché, that’s exactly what I found myself crying out from the depths of pain during my most difficult trials.
Best-Laid Plans Gone Awry
Part 1: Our Loving, Merciful, Faithful, Good, and Compassionate God Well, 2020, you’re really outdoing yourself. We were getting into the early spring groove, the major holidays were behind us, and the sun was beginning to shine. And then, whammy! You took our well-laid plans and flushed them down the toilet. Many are the plans […]
When Your Prayers Bounce Off the Ceiling
Rubber Ceiling Syndrome. Have you ever experienced that? Your devotional times feel empty or worse yet, depleting. Your prayers bounce off the ceiling. The Bible feels like it’s written in pig latin. Where is God? Because honestly, if God isn’t going to show up I’d rather waste my time on Netflix than waste my time […]