Last year I found out that my mom has terminal cancer. Here is what I’ve learned about walking through emotional pain…and making it out the other side.
Practical Christian Living
What Kind of Smart Are You? (The 8 Great Smarts)
God didn’t make a mistake if you’re no good at math or if you can’t carry a tune. He gave us all smarts. Dr. Kathy Koch talked about the 8 Great Smarts in her book by that title. What kind of smart are you?
I Took A Break For the Past Two Weeks And Here’s What I Learned About Rest
Take it from me: Rest taken the wrong way will leave you empty-handed. But done right, it can leave you with strength to face a new day.
The Partnership of Discipline and Deterrence In Parenting
When a young mom got on Facebook to ask for advice for her kids, the responses were almost universal: Deter the bad behavior. Reward the good behavior. What happened to discipline? Is discipline better than deterrence? Is it worse? In this post I explore the relationship between discipline and deterrence in parenting.
Love And The Story of Lee Lorch
“In the end, the greatest thing that we can do on earth that spills over into eternity is love.”