I was clamoring to find my purpose; drowning in worries and fears. And then my friend reminded me of one thing. …THE one thing.
Moving From “Why Me?” to “What Now?”
Have you ever cried out, “Why, God? Why me?” I have. I cried out to God with tears and rage against this painful, broken world. And then I was spent. What now?
Idols…A Lot Like A Fast Food Hamburger
Sometimes I discover that I’ve been looking all the wrong places to fulfill my deepest longings. I forget that God has meant for me to find satisfaction in him instead.
Cracking Under Pressure… Your World, Your Church, And You
Our world is broken. And so is everyone in it. Are we so surprised, then, when it begins to crack under pressure? Is there any hope?
God Tore Down the Barriers Between Us
God tore open the Heavens in the beginning of Jesus’s ministry and tore the curtain in the temple when his work was finished. He tears down all barriers to be with us!