For me the Christmas season is a precarious balance between managing festivities, taking care of baking and shopping, checking off lists, smiling all the while… and not losing my mind.
Hunger Pangs For Eternity
When longings for eternity come, and go, and come again, it can be hard to convince ourselves that this world wasn’t meant to satisfy that hunger.
God’s Warnings Are There, Are We Listening?
When I heard Siri warn me about dangers in the road ahead, I thought, “If only God gave us warnings about life.” But he does! He spent ages past telling us, “Warning! Danger ahead!” So why don’t we listen?
Four Worship Styles That Connect Us To The Heart of God
How do you naturally connect with God? Understanding the truth and beauty of differing worship styles has freed me to be myself in worship. Check out the four Worship Styles and see if you can figure out what you are!
Election Day Encouragement From Romans 8
It’s election day in America! How are you feeling? I think Romans 8 can give you some hope and encouragement today.