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to contact Kendra to discuss your
event speaker needs.

Each retreat series includes optional small group discussion questions and take-home materials, and is appropriate for women of all ages.
Retreat Speaker Topics
Using the story of the woman at the well as a backdrop, this four-part series shows us the healing power of the Living Water in our lives and in the lives of others around us. It includes a heartwarming look at the hurt in our lives and the God who loves us. This is followed by an exploration of the spiritual disciplines based on our temperament and season of life.
This three-part retreat series is based on the stories of three of Israel's judges during it's most desperate time in Scripture. Together we examine the stories of Gideon, Deborah, and Samson. From their moving stories we learn about walking boldly with God in a world that resists him.
In this four-part retreat series we take a look at the times in Scripture when Jesus says "Come, follow me," and discuss what that means for women today who are deciding what it means to follow Jesus in modern times. Following the life of Peter we discover what it means to follow God radically and wholeheartedly in every season of life.
I'd be willing to discuss any other topics that you have in mind. Please reach out and we can talk!